2022.10.21 16:54Nation

小室圭さん、米ニューヨーク州の司法試験に合格 3度目で、本人に通知


2022.10.21 16:54Nation

Komuro, Husband of Ex-Princess, Passes N.Y. Bar Exam on 3rd Try

Kei Komuro, who married former Japanese Princess Mako last year, passed the New York state bar examination held in July on his third attempt, it was learned Friday.
   On Friday afternoon, Komuro, 31, phoned the head of a law firm in Japan where he previously worked to say that he had passed the exam, informed sources said.
   The news preceded the 31st birthday of the former princess on Sunday.
   According to the bar exam's organizers, the overall pass rate for the 9,609 people who took the exam came to 66 pct, with the rate standing at 75 pct for first-time test takers and 23 pct for repeaters including Komuro.
   After studying for three years at a law school in New York from 2018, Komuro took the bar exam twice, the first time in July 2021 and the second in February this year. He failed both times.


