2022.09.14 23:38Nation

11月に補正提出 総合経済対策で―政府方針


2022.09.14 23:38Nation

Japan Eyeing Extra Budget Submission in Nov.

The Japanese government is considering submitting a fiscal 2022 second supplementary budget bill in November in an extraordinary parliamentary session, officials have said.
   Prime Minister Fumio Kishida will issue instructions as early as Sept. 30 to draw up comprehensive economic measures prior to the compilation of the draft budget.
   The economic measures will feature an additional scheme to tackle higher prices and steps to realize the administration's centerpiece "new capitalism" policy.
   Over the upcoming extraordinary session of the Diet, the country's parliament, there has been a proposal to convene it Oct. 3.
   During the session, Kishida will deliver a policy speech and answer questions from party representatives. There will also be budget committee meetings at both chambers of the Diet.


