2022.07.13 20:57Nation

北海道と首都圏結ぶ海底送電線 日本海経由、200万キロワットで計画


2022.07.13 20:57Nation

Undersea Cables Eyed to Send Power from Hokkaido to Tokyo

The Japanese industry ministry wants the power industry to lay undersea cables in the Sea of Japan to transmit more electricity from the northernmost prefecture of Hokkaido to the greater Tokyo region.
   The ministry requested an industry body Wednesday to draw up a plan to lay large-capacity transmission cables that would enable Hokkaido to supply the greater Tokyo region with an additional 2 million kilowatts of electricity.
   The industry body is the Organization for Cross-Regional Coordination of Transmission Operators, comprising electricity companies. The request was made at a meeting of experts at the Advisory Committee for Natural Resources and Energy, which advises the industry minister.
   The industry body will spend about two years compiling the plan, with the aim of putting the cables into service in the first half of the 2030s.
   Hokkaido has a strong potential as a hub for renewable energy sources, including solar power and wind generation.


