2022.07.06 19:26Nation

「物価上昇」89%が実感 14年ぶり高水準―生活意識調査・日銀


2022.07.06 19:26Nation

89 Pct in Japan Feel Rising Prices: BOJ Survey

The proportion of people in Japan who think prices have risen in the past year came to 89.0 pct, up from 81.2 pct three months before and the highest level since September 2008, a quarterly Bank of Japan opinion survey showed Wednesday.
   The result of the latest June survey indicated that an increasing number of people are feeling that prices are higher, amid a series of price increases for food and dairy necessities as well as higher energy and service costs.
   Of the respondents feeling higher prices, 82.9 pct said that they view price increases as a problem.
   The proportion of people who said that their living conditions have worsened over the past year stood at 43.2 pct.
   With multiple answers allowed, the most common reason for worse living conditions was higher prices, cited by 78.9 pct, up 10.9 percentage points from the previous March survey.


