2022.07.05 23:33Nation

ロシア艦、また接続水域航行 尖閣周辺、中国側の動きなし―防衛省


2022.07.05 23:33Nation

3 Russian Warships Sailed in Japan's Contiguous Zone

Three Russian warships sailed in the contiguous zone around Japanese territorial waters off the Senkaku Islands Monday night, the Japanese Defense Ministry said Tuesday.
   The three vessels sailed north between the islands of Kubajima and Taishojima, part of the Senkaku chain in Okinawa Prefecture, toward the East China Sea, the ministry said.
   One of the three vessels sailed in the contiguous zone Monday morning, which was followed by a Chinese warship, whose move drew a protest from the Japanese government. The Senkaku Islands are administered by Tokyo and Claimed by Beijing.
   Russian warships were spotted off the southeastern cost of Hokkaido, Japan's northernmost prefecture, on June 15 and later went half around the Japanese archipelago.
   The ministry also said that a Chinese reconnaissance vessel sailed north between Okinawa's main island and the island of Miyakojima Tuesday morning. The vessel has circumnavigated the Japanese archipelago since June.


