2019.12.24 22:04Nation

出生数、初の90万人割れへ 推計より2年早く―自然減50万人超・厚労省


2019.12.24 22:04Nation

Births in Japan to Fall below 900,000 in 2019 for 1st Time

The number of Japanese babies born in Japan in 2019 is estimated to total 864,000, slipping below 900,000 for the first time since the statistics were first compiled in 1899, the health ministry said Tuesday.
   The annual total is expected to fall by some 54,000 from the 918,400 born the previous year, hitting a record low for the fourth straight year.
   The expected drop below 900,000 will come two years earlier than 2021, projected by a research institute of the ministry.
   The number of deaths is projected at 1,376,000, hitting a record high in the post-World War II period. Japan's natural population decline is estimated at 512,000, topping 500,000 for the first time, after exceeding 400,000 for the first time last year.
   The number of newly married couples is estimated to hit a postwar record low of 583,000, down 3,000 year on year. The number of divorces is forecast at 210,000, up 2,000.


