2022.05.20 21:30Nation

沈没観光船を引き揚げへ 21日から作業着手―船内に行方不明者見つからず

 北海道・知床半島沖で26人が乗った観光船「KAZU I(カズワン)」が沈没した事故で、国土交通省は20日、船体の引き揚げ作業を21日から始めることを決めた。早ければ23日にも海上で船体が確認できる状態になる見込み。

2022.05.20 21:30Nation

Divers Continue Sunken Boat Search off Hokkaido

Divers on Friday continued search inside and outside the Kazu I tour boat, which lies on the seabed at a depth of about 120 meters after sinking off the Shiretoko Peninsula in Hokkaido, northernmost Japan, about a month ago.
   The boat carrying 26 passengers and crew members sank on April 23. Of them, 14 have been found and confirmed dead while the 12 others remain missing.
   The search using saturation diving, which started Thursday, is aimed at finding the missing people and clues to them, and examining whether the boat can be salvaged.
   According to sources including the Japan Coast Guard's first regional headquarters, another body has been found, on the west coast of Kunashiri, one of the four Russian-held northwestern Pacific islands claimed by Japan. The Japanese Foreign Ministry was informed about the discovery of the body by the Russian side on Thursday. A woman's body was found on the coast of the island May 6.
   The bodies could be those of two of the 12 missing people, according to the JCG.


