2022.05.19 20:53Nation

脱炭素へ20兆円支援 「移行債」活用、官民で150兆円超投資―岸田首相


2022.05.19 20:53Nation

Japan's Kishida Vows 20-T.-Yen Green Transformation Aid

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Thursday announced a plan to implement government support worth some 20 trillion yen to facilitate green transformation for realizing a decarbonized society.
   He hopes that the massive support will be a catalyst to achieve over 150 trillion yen in public-private investments in related areas over the next 10 years, an amount considered necessary for decarbonization.
   To raise the 20 trillion yen needed for the aid, the government expects to utilize planned green transformation bonds.
   Kishida unveiled the aid plan at a meeting to discuss a planned clean energy strategy across government bodies.
   He told the meeting that "climate change is a core issue for a new form of capitalism," one of his signature policies.


