2019.12.20 18:58Nation

20年訪日客、3430万人 政府目標届かず―JTB予測


2019.12.20 18:58Nation

Visitors to Japan to Total 34.3 M. in 2020: Private Estimate

The number of visitors to Japan in 2020 will increase 7.9 pct from the previous year to 34.3 million, rising for the ninth straight year, according to a recent estimate by major Japanese travel agency JTB Corp.
   But the estimated total falls short of the Japanese government's target of 40 million.
   While the number of South Korean visitors are expected to rebound after a fall in 2019 that reflected soured Tokyo-Seoul ties over history and trade issues, this year's slowdown is seen to have cast a damper on the overall pace of growth of foreign visitors.
   In 2020, JTB estimates that South Korean visitors to Japan will rise by around 15 pct from 2019 on the back of an improvement in bilateral ties.
   Visitors from China and Southeast Asian countries are also projected to increase.


