2022.05.19 18:23Nation

IAEAトップ、処理水施設を視察 「期待以上の進捗」―東電福島第1原発


2022.05.19 18:23Nation

IAEA Chief Inspects Fukushima N-Plant Water Treatment

International Atomic Energy Agency Director-General Rafael Grossi inspected facilities to treat radioactive water at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant Thursday over the planned release of the treated water into the ocean.
   Preparations to release the water have progressed more than expected, Grossi told a press conference after the inspection at the plant of Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc. , the site of the March 2011 triple reactor meltdown.
   This is his second visit to the plant, which straddles the towns of Okuma and Futaba, Fukushima Prefecture, northeastern Japan. The first one took place in February 2020.
   This time, he received explanations from TEPCO officials, inspecting equipment called the Advanced Liquid Processing System, or ALPS, to treat radioactive water.
   He also observed work to demolish a reactor building and prepare the water release.


