2019.12.20 20:54Nation

対韓輸出管理を緩和 半導体材料「レジスト」―経産省


2019.12.20 20:54Nation

Japan Partially Eases Controls on S. Korea-Bound Exports

Japan on Friday eased its curbs on South Korea-bound exports of photoresists, one of the three semiconductor materials subject to the stricter controls, ahead of a bilateral summit.
   It was the first time for Japan to relax any of the controls since they were tightened in July.
   The trade ministry simplified procedures to allow Japanese companies to gain permission for up to three years of photoresist exports instead of applying each time they want to ship.
   The easier procedures apply to transactions between companies that meet certain requirements.
   Photoresists are used to make printed circuit boards. The material is usually traded between fixed partners in bilateral trade.


