2022.03.14 18:06Nation

ウクライナ避難民29人が来日 支援情報集約呼び掛け―政府


2022.03.14 18:06Nation

Japan Accepts 29 Ukrainians So Far

The number of Ukrainians who have escaped to Japan from Russia's military aggression stood at 29 as of Saturday, Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno said Monday.
   They came to Japan, where they have relatives or acquaintances, after Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on March 2 announced his country's readiness to accept people escaping from Ukraine.
   The government expects that Ukrainians without relatives or acquaintances in Japan will also arrive, officials said.
   A number of local governments are offering Ukrainians places to live and opportunities to work.
   At a news conference, Matsuno said that local governments and companies should report their support plans to the Immigration Services Agency of Japan so that the state can gather information comprehensively and tailored aid is given to Ukrainians fleeing their country.


