ネット中傷抑止へ侮辱罪厳罰化 懲役・禁錮、「拘禁刑」に―刑法改正案を閣議決定
Japan to Toughen Penalties for Cyberbullying
The Japanese government Tuesday adopted a set of bills to revise laws, including the Penal Code, to toughen the penalties for insults in order to deter online libel and cyberbullying, which are increasingly becoming a social problem in the country.
Also included in the bills is the creation of a new form of punishment that combines two existing types of imprisonment, one with labor and the other without.
The government also approved a bill to amend the Civil Procedure Law to enable all civil court procedures to go online.
It hopes to have the bills enacted during the ongoing ordinary session of the Diet, Japan's parliament, set to end in June.
The bill to punish acts of insult would newly include a prison term of up to one year or a fine of up to 300,000 yen as penalties, on top of the detention or petty fine stipulated in the current law.