2022.03.07 18:50Nation

クロマグロ釣り再開 6月から、大型魚に限定―水産庁


2022.03.07 18:50Nation

Japan to Resume Recreational Bluefin Tuna Fishing June 1

The Fisheries Agency plans to allow leisure fishing boats to resume Pacific bluefin tuna fishing off Japan from June 1, agency officials said Monday.
   The ban on the recreational bluefin tuna fishing will be lifted for fish weighing 30 kilograms or more, while catching fish weighing below 30 kilograms will remain prohibited.
   A fisher will be allowed to bring back only one tuna per day.
   The move was decided following calls for such a resumption in areas where recreational bluefin tuna fishing is an important tourism resource.
   The agency set the ceiling on the nationwide total allowable catches by leisure boats at 40 tons between June 1 and March 31 next year.


