岸田首相、ロシア産原油禁輸「国益基づき対応」 震災復興に全力―参院予算委
Kishida Vows to Rebuild March 2011 Disaster Areas
Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Monday stressed his eagerness to do everything to help reconstruct areas in the Tohoku northeastern region affected by the March 11, 2011, earthquake and tsunami, and the subsequent severe nuclear accident.
With Friday set to mark the 11th anniversary of the natural disaster, "we will give our all to rebuild affected areas with a strong resolve that there will be no regeneration of the country without the reconstruction of Tohoku, while continuing to listen to what people there have to say," Kishida told a meeting of the Budget Committee of the House of Councillors, the upper chamber of the Diet, Japan's parliament.
He indicated that he plans to visit affected areas Friday and Saturday to attend events, including a memorial ceremony to be hosted by the government of Fukushima Prefecture, part of Tohoku and home to Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc.'s Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power station, where an unprecedented triple reactor meltdown occurred due to damage from the quake and tsunami.
Asked whether Japan's liquefied natural gas procurement will be affected by economic sanctions imposed on Russia over its invasion of Ukraine, industry minister Koichi Hagiuda said at the committee meeting, "I don't expect to see a direct impact on our country's stable energy supply."
Kishida said that the four member countries of the Quad framework--Japan, the United States, Australia and India--will hold an in-person summit in Tokyo within a few months. "I hope to take this and other opportunities to confirm the four countries' cooperation" over the Ukraine situation and other matters, he said.