2022.03.03 08:24Nation

国連総会、ロシア非難決議採択 賛成141、反対5―国際社会での孤立浮き彫りに


2022.03.03 08:24Nation

U.N. Adopts Resolution Rapping Russia's Invasion of Ukraine

The U.N. General Assembly adopted on Wednesday a resolution condemning Russia's invasion of Ukraine, demanding the immediate withdrawal of its troops from the Eastern European country.
   The resolution, cosponsored by 96 countries, received 141 votes in favor and five against, indicating Russia's growing isolation in the international community.
   The five opponents were Russia, Belarus, North Korea, Syria and Eritrea. China, India and 33 others abstained from voting.
   Although the resolution, which denounces Russia's invasion as a violation of the U.N. Charter, has no biding power, it clearly shows the worldwide support for Ukraine.
   The resolution also criticizes Belarus for its involvement in the incursion.


