東京圏転入超過、24年度に解消 地方創生の新戦略案判明
Japan Hoping to Stop Net Population Inflows into Tokyo by FY 2024
The Japanese government aims to stop net population inflows into the greater Tokyo area by fiscal 2024, it was learned Tuesday.
The goal was included in a draft of the government's second five-year comprehensive strategy for regional revitalization from fiscal 2020. The government hopes to gain cabinet approval for the new strategy, the successor to the first strategy covering fiscal 2015-2019, by the end of this month.
In the second strategy, the government will scrutinize steps taken under the first strategy and show a direction for new measures for accelerating regional revitalization.
To correct the concentration of populations in Tokyo and the three neighboring prefectures of Saitama, Chiba and Kanagawa, the government will put efforts into increasing the number of people who have side jobs in rural areas or get in regular touch with the countryside in other forms while living in urban areas.
It hopes to raise the number of local governments working on related projects to 1,000. It will also set the goal of creating by 2024 60,000 people who start businesses or get jobs in rural areas after spells in urban areas.