2022.01.17 07:07Nation

容疑者死亡も続く捜査 大阪府警、真相究明へ―ビル放火殺人17日で1カ月

 所持品のスマートフォンには、事件当日と同じ金曜日に下見したとみられる「診療内科 9時58分までに合計22人一気に入ってきた」との記録のほか、「日本史上最悪な凶悪事件」を検索した形跡もあった。動機につながるような記載は見つかっていない。アドレス帳に知人の連絡先は皆無で、架電先は電気やガスの業者だけ。交友関係をたどる捜査も難航している。

2022.01.17 07:07Nation

1 Month On, Osaka Arson Probe Continues after Suspect's Death

A month after the Dec. 17 deadly arson in the western city of Osaka, police are continuing their efforts to shed light on the facts behind the attack for the sake of the victims and bereaved family members, even after the death of the suspect.
   The police are planning to send papers on the deceased suspect to public prosecutors on murder and other charges as soon as within fiscal 2021.
   The suspect, Morio Tanimoto, was in cardiopulmonary arrest when the 61-year-old was rushed to hospital from a mental health clinic he attacked. He was resuscitated but never regained consciousness before he died on Dec. 30, about two weeks after the incident, in which 25 people were killed.
   The death of the suspect left no chance for police to hear from him about what led him to the attack.
   According to Osaka prefectural police sources, Tanimoto moved into a house in Osaka's Konohana Ward in February 2017, after serving time for the attempted murder of his first son.


