2021.12.28 20:06Nation

GoTo不正、刑事告訴検討 HISに再発防止指示―捜査当局と連携・観光庁

 観光庁は28日、政府の観光支援事業「  」をめぐる旅行大手エイチ・アイ・エス(HIS)子会社2社などの不正受給問題で、刑事告訴も視野に捜査当局と連携して実態解明に取り組む方針を明らかにした。不正に厳しく対処する姿勢を示し、年明けに目指すトラベル事業の再開に向けて再発防止を徹底。不正が確認できた受給額については早期に返還請求を行う。

2021.12.28 20:06Nation

Japan May Seek Criminal Charges over H.I.S. Subsidy Scandal

The Japanese government may seek criminal charges against two subsidiaries of major travel agency H.I.S. Co. that are suspected of fraudulently receiving tourism promotion subsidies, tourism minister Tetsuo Saito said Tuesday.
   "We'll work together appropriately with investigative authorities with a view to possibly filing a criminal complaint," Saito told a press conference.
   Saito also revealed that the government has reprimanded H.I.S. for insufficiently supervising the two units, which allegedly received financial aid under the government's Go To Travel domestic tourism promotion campaign in a fraudulent way.
   Fraudulently receiving the tax-funded subsidies is something that should have not happened and is very regrettable, Saito said.
   He ordered the parent company to uncover details of the scandal and come up with steps to prevent a recurrence.


