2025.01.08 20:14Nation

中居さん番組、休止や差し替え 女性との性的トラブル報道受け

 TBSは「中居正広の金曜日のスマイルたちへ」と「THE MC3」、テレビ朝日は「中居正広の土曜日な会」について、次回の放送を見合わせる。ニッポン放送もラジオ番組「中居正広 ON&ON AIR」を今週は休止する。

2025.01.08 20:14Nation

Celebrity Masahiro Nakai Taken Off Air after Reports of Sex Scandal

Japanese television and radio broadcasters are responding to media reports of a sex scandal involving popular personality Masahiro Nakai, including suspending shows hosted by him.
   The Shukan Bunshun weekly magazine and others have reported since late last year that Nakai, 52, paid a large sum of money to settle a problem with a woman.
   Nakai is so popular that he is a regular on as many as six programs.
   Fuji Television Network Inc. said Wednesday that it will suspend "Dareka to Nakai (someone and Nakai)" for the time being from Sunday, as a "result of a comprehensive review of the situation."
   Nippon Television Network Corp. cut scenes featuring Nakai from "The! Sekai Gyoten News (the world surprise news)" aired on Tuesday. "When we told (Nakai) of our decision (to cut his scenes), we received a similar offer from him," a Nippon Television official said.


