2019.12.06 13:32Nation

あおり運転罪創設へ 妨害目的の車間詰めなど―警察庁


2019.12.06 13:32Nation

Japan Police to Criminalize Road Rage

Japan's National Police Agency plans to add a new provision to the road traffic law to criminalize and punish acts of road rage, it was learned Friday.
   The NPA is considering defining road rage as acts aimed at obstructing the traffic of vehicles, such as tailgating. The agency will submit a bill to amend the law to next year's ordinary session of the Diet, Japan's parliament, after drafting specific penalties, informed sources said.
   With the road traffic law currently having no clauses for punishing road rage itself, police are cracking down on the reckless driving by taking action against violators mainly through the use of a provision in the law that obliges drivers to take an adequate distance between their vehicles and automobiles traveling ahead of them and a penal code clause on the crime of assault.
   In the first 10 months of this year, the Japanese police have taken action against 12,377 cases of violations of the safe distance requirement, 26 cases of assault, six cases of injury and one case of compulsion.
   According to the agency, road rage acts to be criminalized under the revised road traffic law would include tailgating, suddenly applying the brakes and changing courses to pull in front of other vehicles, all regarded as acts of violations under the current law.


