2021.12.14 18:07Nation

現金給付「条件設けず」 18歳以下10万円めぐり―政府指針


2021.12.14 18:07Nation

Japan Govt OKs 100,000-Yen Handouts in Cash Unconditionally

The Japanese government issued guidelines to municipalities Tuesday stipulating that it allows the distribution of 100,000 yen in benefits for people aged 18 or younger all in cash, instead of in the form of cash and vouchers, without conditions.
   The government previously called for handing out 50,000 yen in cash and 50,000 yen in vouchers to distribute the benefits. The change comes amid calls from some municipalities willing to distribute the benefits in a cash lump sum by the end of this year.
   In its guidelines, the government said it respects the decisions of municipalities and that it will not screen their distribution plans under any new conditions.
   While asking municipalities to consider handing out 50,000 yen in vouchers in principle, the guidelines allowed them to pay the benefits in cash, depending on their situation.
   The guidelines made three options available. They are providing 50,000 yen in cash and then 50,000 yen in vouchers, paying the first and second part both in cash, and handing out 100,000 yen in cash in one go.


