2021.11.19 17:28Nation

再登録禁止、最長10年に わいせつ保育士対策で法改正―厚労省


2021.11.19 17:28Nation

Japan to Extend Period of Ban on Nursery Teacher Reregistration

Japan's welfare ministry plans to extend the ban period for reregistrations of nursery teachers whose registrations were canceled after they were convicted of sexual assault on children, from the current two years to 10 years at the longest, it was learned on Friday.
   The extension plan will be discussed at a related expert panel in the near future, as the ministry aims to submit a bill to revise the child welfare law during next year's ordinary parliamentary session, informed sources said.
   In Japan, registrations with prefectural governments, in addition to licenses, are necessary for working as nursery teachers.
   The ministry's plan calls for setting the ban period at 10 years for those who were sentenced to prison terms and at three years for those who were punished with fines.
   The ministry is also considering developing a database to allow nursery schools to share information on those who lost their nursery teacher registrations over sexual assaults on children.


