2024.12.25 20:31Nation

災害情報、外国人にどう伝達? 地震受け、通訳付き訓練も―動画配信でアプリ周知・能登地震1年

 国も対策に乗り出している。観光庁は緊急地震速報や津波警報などを英語やベトナム語など15言語で通知するアプリ「Safety tips」を14年10月から提供。今年11月下旬からはさらなる利用促進のため、SNSで影響力のある海外インフルエンサー6人に委託し、訪日客向けに同アプリ利用を呼び掛けている。(2024/12/25-20:31)

2024.12.25 20:31Nation

1 Year On: Noto Quake Sparks Efforts to Get Disaster Info to Foreigners

A powerful earthquake that hit central Japan nearly a year ago has led to moves to help spread disaster-related information to foreign nationals.
   The 7.6-magnitude quake that struck the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture on Jan. 1 highlighted the need for improvements to ensure foreign nationals who do not speak Japanese are informed about disasters and evacuation centers.
   In the hope of addressing the issues, moves are spreading across the country to hold evacuation drills involving interpreters and inform foreign nationals about an app providing disaster information not only in Japanese but also in other languages.
   The Ishikawa capital of Kanazawa is home to popular tourist spots, such as the scenic Kenroku-en garden. Shortly after the quake struck on New Year's Day, around 20 foreign tourists with nowhere to go took refuge at the Kanazawa city government office building. According to the city, some people borrowed blankets and spent the night in the building.
   In November, the Kanazawa government and a nonprofit organization offering assistance to foreign nationals in Ishikawa held a disaster drill to practice helping visitors from abroad.


