2021.11.19 13:00Nation

緊急事態「レベル3相当」で検討 コロナ対策の対処方針改定―政府分科会


2021.11.19 13:00Nation

Japan Panel OKs Considering COVID-19 Emergency at Level 3 Alert

A Japanese government panel on Friday gave its go-ahead to the government's plan to consider issuing a novel coronavirus state of emergency when the infection situation is as serious as Level 3 under the country's new five-tier COVID-19 alert system.
   This is included in a draft revision to the government's basic coronavirus policy, which was approved by the panel on the day.
   The Level 3 alert, the second worst under the new system, suggests that treatment for ordinary patients need to be limited substantially in order to deal with COVID-19 patients.
   The new alert system, designed to better reflect medical care availability, replaced the old four-tier system, which mainly focused on the number of new infection cases.
   The government will consider a pre-emergency designation if the infection situation is at Level 3 or Level 2, the third worst on the new scale.


