2021.09.22 18:39Nation

裁判受けさせず送還「違憲」、国に賠償命令 スリランカ人男性、逆転勝訴―東京高裁


2021.09.22 18:39Nation

Japan Immigration Actions in Deportation Ruled Unconstitutional

Tokyo High Court on Wednesday ruled unconstitutional Japanese immigration authorities' actions over two Sri Lankan men who claim that they were deported without getting enough time to take legal action after being denied refugee status.
   The two had filed a lawsuit against the Japanese government seeking a total of 10 million yen in compensation.
   Presiding Judge Yutaka Hirata said that personnel of the immigration authorities "violated the right to a trial, as guaranteed under Article 32 of Japan's Constitution" and the way they handled the matter was "illegal" in terms of the state redress law.
   The court ordered the country to pay a total of 600,000 yen in compensation.
   According to a lawyer representing the plaintiffs, it was the first time for a Japanese court to hand down an unconstitutional judgment on a deportation case of a foreign national.


