2019.11.26 08:35World eye

対IS作戦の英雄犬披露 トランプ氏「素晴らしい働き」称賛

2019.11.26 08:35World eye

Trump presents Conan, the 'incredible' dog injured in Baghdadi raid

President Donald Trump on Monday publicly introduced Conan, the dog that became a hero for its role in the US raid that led to the death of Islamic State group leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
The dog is incredible, Trump said at a brief ceremony as the Belgian Malinois sat beside him with a handler.
So brilliant, so smart. Conan did a fantastic job, Trump added.
In the raid last month, Conan chased al-Baghdadi into a dead-end tunnel in his Syrian hideout, where the cornered IS leader detonated a suicide vest, killing himself and two children, according to the US account.
Conan was injured by the electric cables exposed in the detonation but seems to have made a full recovery.


