2021.07.28 18:59Nation

辺野古沖サンゴの移植許可 米軍基地移設海域、条件付きで―沖縄県


2021.07.28 18:59Nation

Okinawa OKs Coral Transplant from Base Construction Site

The Okinawa prefectural government said Wednesday that it will give conditional approval for transplanting corals from waters around a U.S. military base construction site in the southernmost Japanese prefecture.
   The move comes after the Supreme Court dismissed earlier in July Okinawa's challenge against an order by the fisheries minister to approve a transplant request.
   It is the first approval for a coral transplant since soft ground was found at the construction site in the Henoko coastal area of the city of Nago.
   The prefectural government opposes the construction of the base for the planned relocation of the U.S. Marine Corps' Futenma air station in a congested residential area of Ginowan.
   The Defense Ministry has yet to begin construction work in waters to the east of Cape Henoko, due to the need for approval on a design change to reinforce soft ground found at the site and for protecting marine life.


