2021.07.27 19:09Nation

原告以外も救済へ 「黒い雨」被爆者と認定―首相談話


2021.07.27 19:09Nation

Japan Govt to Provide Relief to "Black Rain" Victims: Suga

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said Tuesday that the government will provide relief broadly to people who were exposed to the radioactive "black rain" that fell after the 1945 U.S. atomic bombing of the western Japan city of Hiroshima.
   Suga made the comments in a statement issued a day after announcing a decision not to appeal a recent high court ruling that recognized as hibakusha atomic bomb survivors all plaintiffs involved in a lawsuit over black-rain health damage.
   Referring to the decision not to appeal, Suga's statement said that the government should provide relief to the plaintiffs by getting back to the basics of the hibakusha assistance law.
   The government will "issue swiftly" health handbooks certifying the plaintiffs as hibakusha, the statement said.
   It will also consider ways swiftly to recognize those who were in a similar situation to the plaintiffs as hibakusha and help them even if they did not participate in the lawsuit, the statement said.


