2021.07.26 12:43Nation

ワクチン証明、受け付け開始 渡航時、各自治体で


2021.07.26 12:43Nation

Applications for Coronavirus Vaccine Passports Start in Japan

Municipalities across Japan started Monday to accept applications for certificates to be issued to novel coronavirus vaccine recipients planning to travel overseas.
   The office of Tokyo's Shinagawa Ward set up a temporary booth to receive applications for the so-called vaccine passport. About 10 people lined up at the booth and handed necessary documents to ward employees in charge.
   The way of accepting applications differs from municipality to municipality.
   Shinagawa Ward accepts them both at the temporary booth and by mail. The certificate will be issued within the day of application to those who bring required documents directly to the office. For those submitting the documents by mail, the vaccine passport will be sent on the business day after the arrival of the documents, according to the ward.
   "I was keenly waiting for this day," Yuji Kamiyama, a 71-year-old Shinagawa Ward resident, who had taught Japanese in Vietnam before the coronavirus pandemic, said after submitting his application. "While I'm not sure when I will be able to return to Vietnam, I want to see my students again as early as possible," he added.


