2021.07.24 20:32Nation

協力金、本当に「先払い」? ちぐはぐ対応、飲食店憤り―東京


2021.07.24 20:32Nation

Eateries Angry at Tokyo over Swift COVID-19 Aid Scheme

Restaurant and bar operators in Tokyo are angry at the metropolitan government over a new scheme to provide coronavirus relief quickly to those meeting requests for business suspensions and other measures.
   The scheme, devised by the central government, was introduced so that relief money can be paid in advance to establishments that comply with the requests.
   The metropolitan government has started accepting applications for the swift payments. But it delayed procedures to accept relief applications for past months under the existing system, drawing fire from many operators.
   The metropolitan government is asking alcohol-serving restaurants and bars to suspend operations and eateries not serving alcohol to close by 8 p.m. Compliant businesses are eligible for the aid money.
   But the metropolitan government has been criticized for taking too much time to distribute the money. In response to this, the central government decided on the swift payment scheme before putting Tokyo under its fourth coronavirus state of emergency July 12.


