2021.07.21 15:56Nation

再エネ、30年度に36~38% 原発、新増設明記見送り―経産省・基本計画改定案


2021.07.21 15:56Nation

Japan Aims to Boost Renewable Energy Use

Japan aims to raise the use of renewable energy sources to 36-38 pct of total electricity generation by fiscal 2030 to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry said Wednesday.
   Currently, the government has a goal of raising the share of renewable energy sources such as solar power to 22-24 pct by the fiscal year ending in March 2031.
   Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga's cabinet is expected to adopt the new goal as early as September, after the ministry discusses it further.
   The ministry started discussions on updating the government's basic energy plan, which includes a target proportion for each energy source.
   In April, Suga unveiled a goal of reducing the country's greenhouse gas emissions by 46 pct in fiscal 2030 from the fiscal 2013 level. The goal was reflected in the ministry's new basic energy plan.


