2021.07.04 16:13Nation

美浜3号機がフル稼働 予定より1日遅れ―関電


2021.07.04 16:13Nation

Mihama No. 3 Reactor Returns to Full Operations

Kansai Electric Power Co. has said that the aging No. 3 reactor at its Mihama nuclear power station in Fukui Prefecture, central Japan, returned to full operations.
   The reactor saw full-scale operations Sunday after a one-day delay caused by an interruption of tests on water pumps used in case of an emergency.
   Kansai Electric restarted the Mihama No. 3 unit, which is over 40 years old, on June 23 for the first time in some 10 years.
   The reactor began electricity generation and transmission on Tuesday.
   After the pressure gauges of water pumps in steam generators marked high figures on Friday, Kansai Electric paused related tests.


