2021.07.02 12:30Nation

夜間開催競技で無観客も 丸川五輪相〔五輪〕


2021.07.02 12:30Nation

Marukawa Hints at No Spectators for Olympic Night Events

Tamayo Marukawa, minister for the Tokyo Games, suggested Friday that some Olympic events scheduled for the evening may be held behind closed doors due to the resurgence of the novel coronavirus.
   "We have heard from the governors of Chiba and Saitama prefectures regarding spectators at nighttime, and the organizing committee is currently dealing with this," Marukawa told a press conference.
   Chiba Prefecture, east of Tokyo, is set to host the wrestling and fencing events, while Saitama Prefecture, north of Tokyo, is slated to host basketball events.
   "We will ultimately make a decision at a five-way meeting by analyzing the state of infections and the general situation," Marukawa added. The five-way meeting involves representatives from the central and Tokyo metropolitan governments, the organizing committee, the International Olympic Committee and the International Paralympic Committee.
   She also said that 166 people from 11 countries and regions participating in the Tokyo Games arrived in Japan on Thursday to prepare for the event, and that all of them tested negative for the virus.


