2021.05.19 15:43Nation

五輪選手との接触禁止 政府、要人訪日で防疫案


2021.05.19 15:43Nation

Foreign Dignitaries to Be Barred from Meeting Olympic Athletes

The Japanese government plans to bar foreign dignitaries from meeting athletes from their respective countries when visiting for the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games, it was learned Wednesday.
   The quarantine protocol for visiting dignitaries was submitted to a meeting of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party the same day.
   The protocol, based on the assumption that the novel coronavirus pandemic has not ended, will prevent dignitaries from interacting with athletes from their countries of origin, through contact bubbles to block mixing with outsiders.
   Meanwhile, the current requirement for dignitaries to self-isolate for 14 days upon entering Japan will likely be eased, as long as thorough prevention measures are taken.
   While general foreign visitors will not be allowed entry as spectators for the Olympics and Paralympics, Japan plans to welcome government leaders, ministers and other officials for the events in fewer numbers.


