2021.05.17 20:39Nation

沖縄、緊急事態要請へ 岐阜も、茨城は「まん延防止」―感染拡大で病床逼迫


2021.05.17 20:39Nation

Okinawa to Seek COVID-19 State of Emergency

Okinawa Prefecture is preparing to ask the Japanese government to include the southern prefecture in the list of areas under a COVID-19 state of emergency, it was learned Monday.
   The Okinawa prefectural government is expected to decide formally to make the request at a meeting of its pandemic response headquarters on Tuesday, after holding discussions with local business groups and medical experts.
   In Okinawa, 16 municipalities including Naha, the prefecture's capital, are currently placed in the pre-emergency stage, with restaurants and bars there asked to close by 8 p.m.
   The prefecture saw the number of new COVID-19 cases increase rapidly after the Golden Week holidays earlier this month. As of Monday, the occupancy rate for hospital beds in the prefecture stood at 92.9 pct.
   Meanwhile, Gifu Governor Hajime Furuta told reporters Monday that he made a request to put the central prefecture under the emergency during telephone talks with economic revitalization minister Yasutoshi Nishimura on Saturday.


