2021.05.17 18:55Nation

千葉でゾウ2頭相次ぎ死ぬ 4頭も体調不良―「市原ぞうの国」


2021.05.17 18:55Nation

2 Elephants Die at Zoo in Chiba

Two of six elephants have died after falling ill at a zoo in the eastern Japan prefecture of Chiba, zoo officials said on Monday.
   Animal Wonder Rezourt's Ichihara Elephant Kingdom in the city of Ichihara is currently investigating the cause of the deaths and poor health conditions, the officials said.
   Six of the 12 elephants at the zoo were found to be displaying loss of appetite, diarrhea and other symptoms from Friday afternoon. They were given medication and other forms of treatment.
   Two female Asian elephants, a 30-year-old and a 35-year-old, died Sunday. The other four elephants are recovering, according to the zoo officials.
   "We are extremely shocked by the sudden deaths," a zoo official said. "We'll nurse the remaining elephants back to health, as well as find out the reasons behind (the deaths and poor health conditions) so that we don't see the same thing happen again," the official said.


