2021.05.14 16:47Nation

中山氏発言「差別的」と反論 駐日パレスチナ大使が会見


2021.05.14 16:47Nation

Palestinian Envoy Raps Japanese Official's Pro-Israel Remark

The top representative of the Palestinian mission to Japan criticized on Friday a senior Japanese defense official's remark backing Israel over the intensifying Isreali-Palestinian violence.
   At a press conference at the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan in Tokyo, Ambassador Waleed Siam called the Twitter post on Wednesday by State Minister of Defense Yasuhide Nakayama "rasist and discriminatory."
   Nakayama tweeted that Israel has the right to protect its own citizens from terror attacks.
   While stressing that it was so disappointing that such a remark was made by a senior Japanese official, Siam urged Tokyo to keep putting pressure on Jerusalem to stop escalating the conflict and killing Palestinian citizens.
   Meanwhile, Israel Strulov, charge d'affaires at the Israeli embassy here, welcomed Nakayama's comment at a separate news conference at the FCCJ the same day.


