2021.05.12 22:29Nation

インドなど滞在外国人の入国拒否 14日以降、在留資格問わず―政府


2021.05.12 22:29Nation

Japan to Close Border to Foreigners Having Traveled to India, Pakistan, Nepal

The government said Wednesday it will in principle ban foreign nationals who have recently been to India, Pakistan or Nepal from entering Japan, even if they have residency status.
   Japanese nationals will still be allowed to return from the three South Asian countries, where coronavirus cases are spiking, it also said.
   The measures will take effect Thursday midnight (3 p.m. GMT) and will be in place "for a while."
   To be banned from entry are foreign nationals who have visited at least one of the three countries during the past two weeks.
   Re-entry by foreigners with residency status, such as permanent residents, those who have Japanese spouses, spouses of permanent residents and fixed settlers, will also be rejected unless public interest or human rights issues are involved.


