2021.03.22 15:40Nation

「時短命令は違法」都を提訴 コロナ特措法で外食運営会社―東京地裁


2021.03.22 15:40Nation

Restaurant Chain Sues Tokyo Govt over Early Closure Order

Restaurant chain Global-Dining Inc. sued the Tokyo metropolitan government Monday in what is believed to be Japan's first damages lawsuit over an early closure order issued to combat the novel coronavirus.
   In the suit, filed with Tokyo District Court, Global-Dining claimed that the metropolitan government illegally ordered some of the group's restaurants to shorten their opening hours.
   According to the complaint, the metropolitan government Thursday ordered 26 group restaurants to close from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. the following day, citing the revised special measures law to fight novel coronavirus and other epidemics.
   Prior to that, Global-Dining President Kozo Hasegawa claimed online that the company would not be able to maintain its business or employment if it was not allowed to open beyond 8 p.m.
   In the early closure order, the metropolitan government said the company was "likely to lead other eating and drinking establishments to open beyond 8 p.m. as it strongly publicized its refusal to follow the measure under the state of emergency," according to the complaint.


