2021.03.16 11:44Nation

政府、皇位安定継承へ有識者会議 来週初会合、女優・中江有里氏ら


2021.03.16 11:44Nation

Japan to Start Debate on Stable Imperial Succession Next Week

A Japanese panel of experts will start discussions next week on ways to ensure stable Imperial succession, the government said Tuesday.
   The panel will discuss whether to allow female emperors or emperors from the maternal bloodline and whether to permit female members to remain in the Imperial Family after marriage as heads of family branches.
   The six-member panel will have three men and three women. They are Mayumi Ohashi, professor at Sophia University, Atsushi Seike, head of Promotion and Mutual Aid Corp. for Private Schools of Japan, Tetsuro Tomita, chairman of East Japan Railway Co. , actress and author Yuri Nakae, Yuichi Hosoya, professor at Keio University, and Midori Miyazaki, professor at Chiba University of Commerce.
   Speaking at a press conference, Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato said ensuring stable Imperial succession is "an extremely important issue concerning the foundation of the state."
   Describing the panel members as "a variety of specialists with deep insight," Kato said they will have discussions in a relaxed environment with no timeline for a conclusion.


