日米豪印首脳、12日に初会談 中国けん制、ワクチンで協調
"Quad" Leaders to Hold 1st Meeting on Fri.
The leaders from Japan, the United States, Australia and India will hold their first meeting under the "Quad" framework of cooperation on Friday via a teleconference system, the White House and the Indian Foreign Ministry said Tuesday.
The talks are apparently aimed at deepening cooperation among the four countries and holding in check China's growing assertiveness.
The four leaders are expected to coordinate on the supply of COVID-19 vaccines to counter China's so-called vaccine diplomacy.
The fact that U.S. "President (Joe) Biden has made this one of his earliest multilateral engagements speaks to the importance we place on close cooperation with our allies and partners in the Indo-Pacific," White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said of the Quad meeting at a news conference Tuesday.
Psaki also said that the leaders of the Quad framework will discuss novel coronavirus countermeasures, economic cooperation and climate change.