2021.03.06 12:03Nation

菅首相「避難者帰還へ環境整備」 震災10年控え福島視察


2021.03.06 12:03Nation

Suga Vows Efforts to Allow Fukushima Evacuees to Return Home

Visiting Fukushima Prefecture on Saturday, Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga vowed to continue efforts to allow nuclear evacuees to return to their homes in the northeastern Japan prefecture.
   The prime minister paid the visit ahead of the 10th anniversary on Thursday of the massive earthquake and tsunami that triggered the country's worst nuclear accident at Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc.'s Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power station.
   Through the Fukushima visit, the second by Suga since he took office last September, the prime minister apparently intended to highlight the government's continued priority on support for disaster-hit areas.
   During the visit, Suga met Okuma Mayor Jun Yoshida at a commercial facility to be shortly opened in the Fukushima town, which hosts the disaster-crippled nuclear plant.
   "We stay on course toward lifting the evacuation order," Suga told Yoshida. "We're working to create an environment that allows those who have fled to other areas to return."


