2021.03.05 11:57Nation

平井担当相、政府統一サイト検討 4月に暫定版公開へ


2021.03.05 11:57Nation

Japan Govt Eyes Launching Unified Website

The Japanese government is considering establishing a unified website of ministries and agencies, digital transformation minister Takuya Hirai said Friday.
   The government is set to launch a tentative website for digital-related information around April, with the aim of releasing the full-fledged version in September, Hirai told a press conference.
   The government plans to work on unifying the existing websites of ministries and agencies over the next few years.
   "As there are many government websites, it is troublesome for users to find the information they need. Government bodies not having respective sites is what we want to achieve the most," Hirai said.


