2021.01.29 18:48Nation

コンビニ時短、協議拒否禁止 指針改定案を発表―公取委


2021.01.29 18:48Nation

Japan to Push Talks between Convenience Stores, HQ on Biz Hours

Japan's Fair Trade Commission released on Friday draft guideline revisions banning convenience store chain headquarters from refusing to hold talks with store owners to review round-the-clock operations.
   The draft is expected to be adopted as early as this spring, after the FTC gathers opinions from industry officials and store users on the matter until March 1.
   The proposal amends guidelines that outline actions by franchise operators that may amount to antimonopoly law violations, in order to protect vulnerable franchisees.
   The FTC decided to revise the guidelines after a survey, released last September, found that some convenience store chains were refusing to engage in negotiations despite strong demands for shortened hours by member stores.
   The draft revisions also state that cases in which workers of chain headquarters unilaterally order products to be shipped to stores could amount to abuse of their dominant positions, barred under the antimonopoly law.


