2021.01.13 20:18Nation

政府、ビジネス往来を全面停止 中韓など来月7日まで―緊急事態宣言


2021.01.13 20:18Nation

Japan to Halt Entry Scheme for Foreigners from 11 Economies

The Japanese government said Wednesday that it will fully suspend a scheme allowing foreigners from 11 economies including China and South Korea to enter Japan for business and other purposes.
   The suspension will continue until Feb. 7, when the ongoing state of emergency over the coronavirus epidemic in Japan is set to end.
   Initially, the government planned to maintain the entry scheme for the 11 economies unless new coronavirus variants were found there.
   The government has changed tack, however, due to pressure from the ruling parties and others to strengthen border controls.
   "We take seriously the current situation in which the public is getting increasingly uneasy," Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga told a press conference.


