2021.01.12 18:09Nation

最大40万円、3月にも支給 時短支援、飲食店取引先―経産省


2021.01.12 18:09Nation

Japan to Offer Max 400,000 Yen to Suppliers for Eateries

The Japanese government will offer one-off cash benefits of up to 400,000 yen to suppliers for eating and drinking facilities complying with requests for cutting business hours under a fresh novel coronavirus state of emergency, industry minister Hiroshi Kajiyama said Tuesday.
   Midsize and small firms will be given a maximum of 400,000 yen, and self-employed people will get up to 200,000 yen, he said. The payments are expected to be made in March or later.
   The aid scheme will cover suppliers across the country directly dealing with eating and drinking establishments in Tokyo and the neighboring prefectures of Saitama, Chiba and Kanagawa, which were put under the state of emergency on Friday.
   Eligible for the relief will be businesses whose sales have halved from the levels in January or February last year. The program will also cover indirect suppliers, such as farmers and fishers.
   Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said Tuesday that the government plans to expand the coronavirus emergency to include the western prefectures of Osaka, Kyoto and Hyogo. Kajiyama said that "we will act flexibly" in applying the aid program if the prefectures are added to the state of emergency.


