2021.01.09 15:34Nation

新成人8割、就活に不安 コロナ影響見通せず―民間調査


2021.01.09 15:34Nation

80 Pct of New Adults Uneasy about Job Hunting amid Epidemic

About 80 pct of people reaching the adult age in Japan are worried about job hunting, a recent survey by market research firm Macromill Inc. has revealed.
   The proportion of new adults with such anxiety came to 80.1 pct in the 2021 survey, compared with the record high of 82.3 pct, set in 2011.
   In the latest survey, many respondents cited the coronavirus epidemic and the sluggish economy as reasons for feeling uneasy about job hunting.
   Meanwhile, the proportion of respondents who said their future is bright stood at 63.2 pct, the lowest level since it hit 51.2 pct in 2013.
   The survey was conducted in mid-December, covering 500 people born in 2000-2001.


