鉄道各社、終電繰り上げ検討 航空は追加減便―緊急事態宣言
全日本空輸や日本航空は減便や運航機材の小型化を実施する。1月後半の運航率は事業計画比で現在の7~8割から6割程度に下げる方針だ。政府の「Go To トラベル」事業の一時停止が延長されることから、影響は首都圏発着の路線以外にも広がりそうだ。また、両社は1月8日~2月7日搭乗分の国内航空券のキャンセル手数料を無料にする。
Railway Firms May Move Up Last Trains under Virus Emergency
East Japan Railway Co. , or JR East, and other railroad operators in the Tokyo metropolitan area will consider moving up the departure times of their last trains of the day following the government's declaration of a fresh state of emergency in the Japanese capital and three neighboring prefectures, which have been seeing rapid growth in novel coronavirus infection cases.
The companies are expected to make their responses after carefully examining specific requests from the central and local governments.
JR East and other operators have decided to move up the last trains of the day when they revise their train timetables in March. Bringing forward the moves could be an option, informed sources said.
The transport ministry plans to call on these railway operators to move up the last trains of the day. At a meeting on Thursday, transport minister Kazuyoshi Akaba instructed senior officials of the ministry to make such a request to the operators in order to reduce the movement of people as a way to prevent a spread of the virus while taking account of the needs of medical and other workers.
The coronavirus state of emergency for Tokyo and the prefectures of Saitama, Chiba and Kanagawa is slated to be in place from Friday to Feb. 7