休業命令違反に過料50万円 コロナ特措法改正で―政府
Fines of Max 500,000 Yen Eyed over Virus-Linked Suspension Orders
The Japanese government is considering plans for businesses failing to follow prefectural governors' orders for suspending operations under a state of emergency over the novel coronavirus to be fined up to 500,000 yen, it was learned Thursday.
The government aims to introduce the fines by revising the special measures law for tackling the epidemic. The plan will be presented to a meeting of officials of the government and the ruling and opposition blocs on Friday, informed sources said.
The law currently stipulates no penalties on businesses that do not follow authorities' requests for suspending operations or shortening operating hours.
The law needs to be given "some binding power," a senior government official said.
The government plans to submit a bill to revise the law to the regular session of the Diet, Japan's parliament, to be convened on Jan. 18. It hopes to have the amendment enacted by early February.